Pedaling Towards the Future: The Time to Rethink Mobility in Portugal
A revisão dos Planos de Mobilidade Urbana Sustentável representa uma oportunidade crucial para Portugal pedalar em direção a um futuro mais sustentável e saudável. É o momento ideal para estabelecer metas ambiciosas de expansão da rede ciclável, integrar a mobilidade em bicicleta com outros modos de transporte e implementar campanhas de educação e consciencialização. Mais do que uma obrigação administrativa, esta revisão permite repensar nossas cidades e nossa relação com a mobilidade. Com o compromisso dos municípios e a implementação efetiva das estratégias delineadas, podemos criar um Portugal onde a

Autonomous Vehicles, the Future of Urban Mobility?
Urban mobility will experience a revolution with the introduction of autonomous vehicles. These vehicles, equipped with advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, high-precision sensors and Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication systems, promise to transform the way we move around cities. But what does this change mean for ordinary citizens?

Children and the Sustainable Future of Mobility
It is undeniable that school mobility has a significant impact on cities, and although it still does not receive the attention it deserves, the data demonstrates the scale of the problem. For Portuguese cities, car dependency also poses critical challenges, especially at a time when sustainable mobility and decarbonisation are so urgent. Over the past two years, through participation in projects promoting sustainable school mobility in Portuguese municipalities and at international conferences, the conclusion is clear: we must include children if we want a sustainable future for mobility.

Transformation is an Extraordinary Opportunity
The ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) approach is increasingly part of the lexicon of companies and institutions, though it's not entirely new. It has roots in John Elkington's Triple Bottom Line theory from the 1990s and in Kofi Annan's 2004 initiative, when, as UN Secretary-General, he challenged CEOs of major global financial companies to consider integrating environmental, social, and governance issues into capital markets. In the European Union, transport accounts for about 25% of CO₂ emissions, making it one of the sectors in need of transformation.

An Opportunity to Transform Mobility
The need to rethink Sustainability Reports presents an extraordinary opportunity. The ESG approach is becoming more prevalent among companies and institutions, though it's not entirely new. It stems from John Elkington's Triple Bottom Line theory from the 1990s and Kofi Annan's 2004 initiative, when, as UN Secretary-General, he urged CEOs of major global financial companies to integrate environmental, social, and governance issues into capital markets. In the European Union, transport is responsible for about 25% of CO₂ emissions, making it a sector ripe for transformation